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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rick's Hood

Finally made the trip up to Iwaki (Fukushima-ken) to visit Rick on the weekend. Took the 2.5 hour bus ride on Saturday morning. Shortly after I arrived we went to his school where they were busy with preparations for the kids halloween party. He did mention this briefly to me, however I was unaware that there were going to be 135 kids & their parents and that I had been volunteered as be a group leader to take the kids trick-or-treating. Rick & his brother had suitably impressive costumes, sumo wrestler & daikon (Japanese radish) respectively, so I had to be a team player and wear the leftover costume bits, which were a dracula cape & a pumpkinhead hat. So I was the "Pumpkin Vampire", luckily in Japan they don't celebrate halloween so nobody questioned the existence of such a character.

It turned out to be quite fun, we just had to walk around with the kids, make sure they didn't get run over and try to encourage them to say "trick-or-treat" & "thank you". It was very cute, unfortunately I had to hold our teams sign so I wasn't able to take any photos. Then back at the school the kids ate eyeball cupcakes & (real) cockroach jelly, played various games and sang a halloween song. I mostly hung out with this one kid who took a shining to me & some of the teachers Rick works with. Two of them are highly cute but (unfortunately for him) taken. Then it was to an izakaya for after work food & drink.

Sunday was mostly spent in a car as we had to drop his brother of at a nearby town, but he managed to show me a bunch of beaches, a park with a wicked slide & the local look-out mountain where people go to make-out. Iwaki is a nice place, very country & quiet which is good for hanging out, surfing & living the simple life. Some of the beaches are actually pretty good. After visiting two other ones in Japan (Kamakura & Chigasaki) I thought all the beaches here had shitty waves and dirt for sand, but a couple of them in Iwaki are pretty respectable. Made me wish I made the trip out during summer.

So that's that. Eri is back from L.A. so she will stay at my place for a few days and then we're off this weekend to Hakone or Yamanashi. Should be grand.


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