: : Pimpin Worldwide $$$

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Our Pad/My Room/His Wheels/Straight Mackin


Blogger garat_jax said...

nice looking pad man, much better than that closet that you were living in before.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Dave Tran said...

it's a million times better. you'll have to visit again sometime to check it out.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

Nice to finally see your pad in pictures. Shit has a spartan/pimpin vibe.

Say g'day to James for me as well. Glad to see someone made it over to keep the poor bastard company.

Oh and those wheels are dope. Just missing 'clackers'. If you have to ask, you haven't lived...

12:42 AM  

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